Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jaco Farmers Market

Every friday the Jaco Hotel Blog stops by the farmers market. Restaurant DoceLunas has its own local purveyors of fruits and vegetables who deliver to the hotel, so the hotel doesn's shop at the market, but its employees do. The market is pretty comparable to the grocery store in prices, but the produce is fresher and more locally sourced. While its not cheaper than the grocery store, its pretty cheap. A lot of fruits and veg are less than $1 a pound. In the photo you can see my haul of tiny potatoes (which were quite well washed) giant carrot, garlic, ginger, and broccoli only cost about $4.

Perhasp the best part about the farmers market: its located on an estuary and there is a sandy spot on the other side of it where a small crocodile can often be seen sunning. I have to get a picture of him for youse. Meanwhile, let me know if there is anything you would like me talk about in the blog here and I will do it. You can reach me at chrisc at
Check out more information on the farmers market and more pictures at our onsite blog,

Til next, adios from the finest of Jaco Hotels, Jaco Hotel DoceLunas.

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